Paternity test Maternity test Twinship test Sibling test Grandparentage test Aunt & uncle test Genetic predispositions test Pharmacogenomics test Sports performance test Nutrition test Skincare test Talent & personality test Ancestry test Gut Microbiome Test Oral Microbiota test View all our tests User Guide About Journal

How it works :
four simple steps

Register your kit online

Step enregistrer

Provide your DNA sample

Step auto prelevement

Return your sample by mail

Step poste

Access your report on our website

Step rapport
More information


Our Commitment

We aim to promote a more human, more accessible approach, based on tailored health solutions, targeted prevention and education.

Pierre antoine

Pierre-Antoine Simon

Founder & CEO

Etienne crevier

Étienne Crevier

Biochemist - Geneticist

Jeanne goujon

Jeanne Goujon

Operations Lead

Protecting your privacy is our priority: because nothing is more personal than your DNA. More information


Data Suppression

You can modify and/or delete your data at any time.

Vector 1

Non-Commercialization of your Data

Your data will never be shared or sold to third parties.

Vector 2

Advanced Server Security

We ensure maximum protection of computer servers against intrusions and data leaks.

Hero green


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