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Icon test adn bien etre

Starting from $249

This category focuses on general well-being and lifestyle improvement. It includes nutrigenetics, sports performance, skincare, and talent & personality tests.

Icon test adn sante

Starting from $349

This category identifies specific medical conditions and/or genetic predispositions towards certain diseases.

Icon test adn filiation

Starting from $199

Parentage tests determine the biological links between individuals, helping to resolve legal issues and/or dispel doubts and satisfy curiosity.

Icon test adn genealogie

Starting from $249

This test is designed to provide individuals with insight into their family origins and genetic lineage through different historical periods.

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ADNA Illu Test Microbiome CAPSULE FULL

Starting from $299

A microbiota test or microbiome test, is a test aimed at identifying and quantifying the various bacteria and other microorganisms present in a person's microbiota.

Adna Illu Package

Starting from $499

This all-in-one test offers a complete package, combining tests for genetic predispositions, pharmacogenetics, nutrition, sports performance, skin care, talent & personality, and ancestry.

ADNA Illu Test Biomarqueurs

Starting from $299

This category of tests measures essential biomarkers across four axes of health: hormonal & nutritional balance; inflammation; cardiovascular health; and metabolic health.

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