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Journal: Testimonials

Paolo's Story

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"My children helped me get to know myself better."


Paolo had never really questioned his origins. Born in Canada to a Danish father and an Italian mother, he had built a life he was proud of. His two children, Justine and Loïc, 17 and 22, were always close by.

Paolo was more familiar with his father's side of the family; he spoke a few words in Danish and in 2020, he had travelled with his children to visit his extended family. His Italian side, however, remained rather vague, as his mother had never shared her story and was elusive about her roots.

Paolo's children had long seen in their father and grandmother a desire to learn more and share, but they were blocked by years of silence. Neither knew where to start, what questions to ask first.

At Christmas 2022, Justine and Loïc gifted their father with a DNA Ancestry Test. Having done their research, they explained that, thanks to this test, Paolo would be able to better understand where he came from and could learn more about his family heritage.

It was the best gift Paolo could have received—the test enabled him to find out more about his heritage, and more importantly, it sparked the first real discussion he'd ever had with his mother about bits of family history he'd never heard before. His mother opened up easily once the ice was broken, and thanks to this test, these precious conversations and Paolo's relationship with his mother grew, leaving Justine and Loïc a legacy of rich family history.


Other Journal: Testimonials


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